Wednesday, 18 September 2013

i went shopping #1

So yesterday I did a bit of shopping. I went into Manchester with my friend Pippa because she wanted to get a new piercing and as I have a fair few myself, I thought I'd go along with her for support. And of course afterwards, we couldn't pass up on spending some of our hard earned money! We went into quite a few shops but I only bought things from 3 stores and I thought I'd share my purchases with you...

First stop was Urban Outfitters as I was really in the mood for a little wander around. I mainly wanted to just check out the 'home & gifts' section as I wasn't in the mood to look at clothes that I definitely would not be able to afford. They had a whole load of Christmas goodies that I was very enticed by but decided that it was probably a bit too early to be buying Where's Wally Christmas cards and wrapping paper so I sadly moved away from there... 

But I did stumble upon this really cute little lunchbox. I am moving to university this weekend and in an attempt to help save on money and hopefully improve my diet, I thought that I would start to take a lunch with me and for that, I would need a lunchbox. I have bought a whole variety of different tuppaware boxes from Ikea but this one is much sweeter! 

Whilst continuing to browse, Pippa came over to me with this scarf and I absolutely fell in love. I've never been one to go all out with scarves probably because for the past 7 years I've been at school where scarves had to be all black. But now I'm out of school, I can be a bit more adventurous with scarves and why not start with this adorable grey and black one with polar bears along the bottom! And in regards to the last photo, it really is softer than cashmere!
(unfortunately cannot find the link but it was £16.00)

After getting something to eat, Pippa and I headed into Topshop. She actually had some things she needed to get which unfortunately meant I was left to my own devices. As a result I gravitated towards the make up section... 

Now I spotted these Hello Kitty hand wipes and could not pass up on getting them. I used to have similar ones in my handbag but something leaked in the little bag I kept them in and so I had to throw them out. I think they're the perfect size for your handbag and a great alternative to anti bacterial gel.
(they're not on the website but were £1.50 - bargain!)

This lipstick is one I have wanted for a very long time. I think I spotted it when I first had a look at the Topshop make up, way back when it was first released. I was drawn in by the gorgeous orange colour and absolutely loved how bright it is. I don't have a lipstick like it in my collection but everytime I check it out in store, I haven't bought it. That is until now, when Pippa pretty much made me buy it (friend's eh?). It's also my first ever item from the Topshop make up so I'm super excited to use it. 

Yesterday morning my mum and I had actually been talking about how I needed some new socks before I headed off to university and when there's a 3 for £8 offer in Topshop on the coolest ever socks, how can you pass that up? So off I went to pick out some new additions to my sock collection - meet dinosaur, ferret and party cat!

And here is the final purchase from yesterday. As Pippa and I were heading out of the Arndale centre we came across a new shop called Blott. It's a stationary shop but with lots of really interesting things in there including a pick 'n' mix station with rubbers! You can pick as many as you like and there are so many different shapes (from a toothpaste tube to a burger to a giraffe!) which you can put in their own little box. This is the selection I chose and I don't know how I'm going to be able to use them as they're just so cute! I don't know how many Blott shops there are around the country but if you come across one, go and check them out!

So there's what I picked up yesterday on my little shopping trip. Not a lot but it made me happy to spend some money!

1 comment:

  1. Aw the Topshop lipstick is to die for, it's absolutely gorgeous! Need to check it out! <3

    Andrea | RosyChicc


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