Friday, 7 June 2013

january 2013 glossybox

So I have another beauty box post for you today but this is on a Glossybox, January's to be specific! I've finally got a bit 'back on track' with glossybox's and I am at least now in the right year! We all know I struggle to post about the products I get in my glossybox's on time/when I get them but I really do enjoy sharing my thoughts with you guys (even if they are a bit late)!

I was planning on posting this on Tuesday but it's taken me a few days to get back into the routine of revising so that's taken priority and then today I had another exam (just general, not all that important...) and I did an extra shift at work. Safe to say I am absolutely shattered but I'm now enjoying Channel 4's Comedy Gala - great background TV for writing a blogpost!

Now I know these products were aimed for a detox in terms of 'new year, new me' but I'm the type of person who likes to detox throughout the year - whenever I'm feeling stressed, whenever I want to perk myself up or I'm feeling like a new start. And I'm sure these products will be great to use all year round!

Exfoliators are probably one of my favourite skin care products. I love the feeling they give after you've used them - smooth, clean and fresh skin! And so that's why I like getting new exfoliators - to see how they fare against all the others that I've tried. I'm also on the look out for my 'holy grail' exfoliator. So this was a great addition to the box. I've heard wonderful things about 'Elemis' but it's sort of drifted off my radar and I haven't actually read any reviews on any of their products so never really known whether it was worth investigating. This, therefore, is a great chance to check out the brand. I particularly like that this is called a 'skin glow' face wash as I'd never really thought about the brightness of my skin before blogging but have now realised the importance! I do actually have quite dull and plain skin so I'm hoping that this will bring a bit of life and a bit of a 'glow' to my face!

At first, when I saw this in the box I was a bit gutted. I just don't need any more body lotions, especially considering I don't really use them. But upon further inspection I became more intrigued. The shape of the lid is particularly interesting and I've not seen anything like it before. I also like the name of the brand 'Duck Island' - very unique and one I've definitely not heard of before (but i think the 'inner animal lover' inside is what attracted me to the name...). And the final positive point for me is the smell - THE most important bit! Mandarin & Bergamont are very 'fancy' smells and not ones that I usually gravitate towards but I did just open the bottle and fell in love with it! It's super fruity and luxurious - I'm definitely up for lathering myself in it!

As soon as I saw this I instantly thought that it could act as a Burt's Bees dupe. This made me a little wary as I really don't get along with Burt's Bees. I hate the minty feel it has on the lips and it stings a little. I'll just never understand brands feel the need to make honey scented minty flavoured - it's very annoying! But I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt and see whether this brand had decided to get rid of the mint and just stick to the 'beeswax' which I would have loved. However this was not the case and the minty scent was very prevalent which I'm super disappointed with! I'll definitely give it a swipe over my lips to see how it goes and whether this one is less 'stingy' but I don't have the highest of hopes.

Now I couldn't get the lighting right to show the name of this product but it is a MONU 'Warming Aromatic Mask' and the thing I'm most excited about using (if you've read any of my other glossybox posts you'll know i most always have a favourite from each box...). Now above exfoliators in my favourite skincare rankings is face masks. Any type will do me fine. Most of the ones I've used in the past really feel like the make my skin ultra clean and remove any dirt that may be lingering on my face. but many don't actually reap any long term effects. My main skin problems is blackheads and huge pores which is why warming masks are the best for me. They open my pores and bring up all the lingering dirt. On top of this, MONU is a top skincare range (so i've heard) so I have my fingers crossed for some great consequences!

I usually just buy shampoo and conditioner based on the ones that look the nicest or the products I like. I don't actually know which types I should be looking at or what each do. Many say that they will make your hair stronger and shinier but I consider my hair to be pretty strong anyway so I don't know what more these strengthening products could do for me. However, I have noticed that stronger hair tends to be silkier and before I cut my hair, it definitely wasn't silky! Since I've cut away all the dead and dry hair, it is looking better but it's still not silky. Therefore I think by using this strength shampoo my hair will become protected and just overall 'better' looker! I'll definitely be looking for some noticeable differences so here's hoping!

Now I always find it a really nice touch when Glossybox include one of their own items, even if it isn't beauty related. It's super sweet and they don't have to do it - they just do because it's nice! And this one was particularly cute I feel. I don't actually use these because they make me feel a little claustrophobic but when I'm relaxing I think they'll be a nice touch!

That's it for me for now. I'm off to get a good nights sleep because I am so so tired! I'm back revising tomorrow before going to my friends for the night for movies and yummy food! I'm hoping to get in a post during the day but I won't promise anything! :)

I hope you've all had a nice week and that you're enjoying the weekend! 


  1. Aww the sleeping mask is so adorable! <3 I'd love to try the Paul Mitchell conditioner, I've heard lovely things about it! :)

    Andrea | RosyChicc

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