Tuesday, 2 October 2012

tresemme salon silk shampoo and conditioner

Wow, long time no post but today I thought I would give you my views on a new shampoo and conditioner duo I have been trying out recently.

I've never really been interested in haircare until recently whilst I've been catching up on Lily's blog and I've realised how much I should be looking after my hair. I started dying my hair a few years ago when I did it semi-permanently. I then did a bit of a dip dying business with bleached ends and bright pink dye over the top. After that I went for the permanent dark/reddish brown and kept going over that with various dies before finally deciding I wanted to be lighter for summer. This meant a full head of bleach with blonde highlights. Therefore it is safe to say my hair is a little 'tired' at the moment. My roots are currently coming through so I think I'll go back to my natural colour for a while but I do like the colour it is at the moment. Anyway, my ends are the most dry and I do get a lot more split ends than I did before I started dying, understandably. But I never really looked at shampoos and conditioners to combat dry hair, I mainly focused on ones that combated frizz (which i suffer from really badly, urgh). However, about two weeks ago, my current shampoo and conditioner ran out so I went into Boots and decided to go on a little haircare 'binge'. I figured that whilst I was going to go all out, I would pick a duo for my more regular showers (a sort of 'everyday' shampoo and conditioner) and one that focused more on my 'problems' (i use this twice a week when i have baths). My regular duo are Charles Worthington items which I haven't tried yet (been using my dad's shampoo and conditioner whilst i find time to take a picture of the CW products, blogger probz) but I will review them soon! The ones I'm talking about today are my 'special' ones and I just can't wait to share them with you!

Tresemme is a brand I never thought I'd really venture into as I always thought it was quite gimmicky by claiming it was 'salon professional' in all of their adverts but I have to admit, I was judging the book by its cover and I shouldn't have. Obviously I used the shampoo first and when I squeezed it onto my hand, I understood why they call it 'professional quality'. The colour is a gorgeous silver/metallic colour and it felt so rich and luxurious. It lathered up so amazingly that I just kept rubbing it into my hair (more than usual). I started at the roots (like the instructions on the back of the bottle suggest - i don't usually follow the instructions on shampoos and conditioners but gave it a go with this and i'm really glad i did as i feel that the method suggested really makes the best use of the products, plus they're really easy to follow) and then kind of worked it down the lengths. Although it was just me applying it to my hair, I really did feel like I was getting a salon treatment. After I rinsed out the shampoo, my hair felt instantly softer and smoother which really excited me (more than it probably should but when you rarely have soft hair, it is a really nice feeling!). When I put the conditioner in my hair, instead of rinsing it out straight away, I left it in to soak for about 3 minutes (again, due to the instructions but i really recommend doing it!) and I'm so glad I did. My hair just felt so much better, as if it hadn't been dyed at all, and I'm going to carry on doing this with all my shampoos and conditioners. After I'd got out of the bath and I was brushing my hair, I felt the work of the products again! My hair was suddenly so much easier to brush and there were no knots or difficulties which was an absolute godsend as usually when I brush my hair it takes about 10 minutes (ridiculous, i know!). Even after brushing, my hair remained soft. One slight problem with these items is that they did not get rid of all my frizz. There was still a little bit there which is annoying but it wasn't as much as I would usually have. Therefore I think that maybe these items aren't good as de-frizz products but definitely ones for making your hair soft and of satin feel. I found that they were very lightweight and they didn't drag my hair down which most other products do which can be a pain, as I usually find with other shampoos and conditioners that my hair is so uncomfortably heavy that I just have to tie it up and get it out of the way, so to not have that feeling with these was brilliant! The smell is nothing special - it's a typical hairdresser smell and the scent is very clean. The next day my hair was still soft with a few dry areas at the end but overall much much better (and my hair all together was very smooth to touch). Then by the end of the next day my hair had remained very shiny and silky.

Edit: The price of these beauties are £3.59 each which I think is an amazing price! I didn't actually pay for these as I had enough points on my Boots card to treat myself to them but would definitely spend the pennies for them!

Wow, what a lot of positivity in one post! I think maybe I was hoping for good results so my findings are a little exaggerated but I still think they're great! I'd only used it once when I wrote down all my thoughts and I did in fact find that the second time I used them the results weren't as good but I think that was due to the fact I'd tied my hair up in a bun (which always dries my hair out after i've just washed it) instead of leaving it loose to dry. Either way, I seriously recommend these items and I can't wait to try some more Tresemme products! Although I don't think their claims of getting rid of frizz are all that true (but c'mon when will they ever make a product that completely gets rid of frizz?), I think it's brilliant for everything else!

I'm not going to do my usual 'Updates!' type thing as I don't have the time and should really be in bed as I am shattered now and will be shattered tomorrow. But I just wanted to explain that it was my birthday last week (my 18th, last tuesday to be precise!) which is why I lacked on the posts then. After that, towards the end of the week, I fell really ill (i still am now, blergh) so I wasn't in the mood to do anything which sucked big time. Then on top of that I've had homework, revision, coursework, epq, other work and my actual job (the usual excuses) to cope with so barely any time to myself. But anyway, I'm trying really really hard to make time around my busy schedule to post but time just gets the better of me sometimes. Enough of my complaining and whining though! I hope everyone's been well and is well, goodnight!

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