Tuesday, 11 September 2012

june 2012 glossybox

No post again yesterday due to too much work and my first Brownie meeting of the new term (i'm a volunteer by the way, i don't actually attend brownies...) but I've managed to take a little break today to post and watch some of An Idiot Abroad.

I meant to do this post last week but didn't manage to get round to it so I'm doing it today instead. Only this one and 2 more glossybox's before I'm back on track and ready to post about the September box (not that it's arrived yet but i can't wait for it to get here!). This month's box was just a normal box - no theme - and it was quite nice to just have a random selection of products, chosen for no particular reason.

In previous boxes, Glossybox have included items of their own brand (e.g. a balloon or a sweet) but never something to do with make up so I thought this was a really interesting addition. Part of me thinks that it was a bit of a cop out as this brush counts as one of the five products you get in your box, not a nice little addition but another part of me really likes it. The only brushes I have are a Topshop foundation one that I 'stole' off my friend and a set of 5 from Bobbi Brown so any new brushes are a welcome addition to my collection. Personally, I think I'll use this for blusher/bronzer as I don't actually have a brush for that and this feels like very good quality. The bristles aren't as soft as my Bobbi Brown ones but I'm still very happy to use it.

I really am a nail varnish girl. Ever since I was little I loved nail varnish, in all types of colours, and no matter what brand/quality they were I would pick up any I saw with the hope my mum would buy me some. Therefore any 'free' nail varnish I can get, I jump on it! I've never tried a product from Me Me Me but a while ago lusted after their sets that they did with, I think, a blusher, lipgloss and nail varnish (can't quite remember, sorry!) so I was very happy to see this in my box. One problem is the colour I got. Whilst I love nude nails and how classy they can look, I already have one which is pretty much the exact same colour so I would have appreciated a different colour that I don't have but ah well, I'll still try this out!

I'm pretty sure in past posts I have admitted what beauty products I don't own/have never owned and they were slightly shocking. This is another one for you. I don't have a bronzer, don't think I've ever tried it before and I've only ever owned one. Therefore, when I saw this, I was again, pleased. I signed up for Glossybox in order to be introduced to new beauty brands and products that I've never had before/don't use that often. This is one of them, which is perfect. From what I can remember (and my memory's not that brilliant...), in a past box I got  BM beauty eyeshadow and it looks really nice so I hope both of these items are good. A slight issue I have is that I'm not sure how my brush is going to fit in the pot without the powder going everywhere so I'll have to be careful when I use it.

I've heard of Caudalie before but only about their skincare products (at least i'm pretty sure they do skincare...) so a fragrance was something I was interested in. I'm always on the look out for new perfumes and scents to introduce to my growing collection which meant I was happy with this item. It's a nice big tube which was exciting as usually with fragrance testers in Glossybox it's like a minimal amount of liquid and barely anything to try out so I liked the size of this. Just tested this out on my hand and I love it! At first it's a little shock and it's a very strong, fresh scent but after a few seconds you get a different scent. I recognise the smell so well (reminds me of parmaviolets and lemons quite a lot but more grown up if you get me?) but I can't describe it very well (you should be used to this from me by now). Therefore I'm going to wait until the full review to look on the website to let you guys know what it's notes are (if you can't wait then go check them out on the website yourself!).

Now this item both annoyed me and confused me. In the little card you get with the box letting you know what you're getting this month, the picture shows a lipstick type tube with concealer in it (the same picture as in the photo above ^) but that's not what I got. I got a 'kit' to make my own foundation cream stick. Whilst this is a nice idea as you get to mix colours to try and get as true a shade as possible to your skin tone, I feel slightly misled. I like the idea of a foundation stick as it's a really good item to fully cover your blemishes but this is just a plastic packet with 6 tester shades. I really want to try it out (this most intrigued me in terms of wanting to test it) but I'm not sure how I completely feel about it. I'll let you know in my full review!

I think this was one of the best glossyboxes I received in a while as I liked all of the products (some more than others) and I'm really looking forward to trying them out for a full review for you guys.


  1. The past two days have been pretty manic in terms of school and then homework. It's tiring getting back into the routine and my eyes are slowly closing so as soon as I've finished this post I am off to bed!
  2. Again, sorry for no post yesterday. Homework and Brownies took priority!
  3. Bit more time today to post as I got all my work done quite quickly at home due to a double free this afternoon. I did actually offer to drive my mum to the gym tonight but secretly had a hidden agenda to go to Tesco/Sainsbury's to buy food whilst I waited to pick her up again. But shhh, she doesn't know!
  4. I had my school photo today at school which was not too fun. Beforehand there was a quick trip to the toilets to do my make up before avoiding all teachers so they wouldn't make ask me to take my nose stud out and finally having to sit in an awkward position whilst laughing as my photo was taken. Photo day is my least favourite day of the year as my picture is always (i really mean always) hideous but I'm hoping that this one will be really nice as it's my last year.
  5. I've been watching An Idiot Abroad all evening as I forgot how hilarious it was so if I haven't said it before and if you've never seen it before, go and watch it now! It's honestly brilliant.
Finally going to hit the sack to get some wonderful wonderful sleep. Hope everyone's had a lovely day and you all sleep well. Goodnight!

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