So most people's main resolution as the new year comes in is to make a fresh start of things and to do all that stuff that they've been putting off for so long or that they've wanted to do for a while. And every year I succumb to this tradition and take part in trying to kid myself that I will become a better person. Most years I fail and fall into a vicious circle of self loathing that I haven't done what I wanted to do or that I've not been the nicest I could. However, 2014 has been pretty different...
Unfortunately my year has started out with my first ever set of university exams which were probably the most stressful and the most fear inducing I have ever undertaken. But I really worked my ass off for them and I'm proud to say that I feel quite confident about them. I'm yet to see the results but they're the first exams that I have ever come out of feeling happy, and I very much think that's down to the amount of revision I have done. Therefore I have managed to stick to my resolution of working harder. But due to this huge amount of work and revision I've had to put everything else aside and as per, my blog has been neglected. However, with the new year, I've had a rethink and a bit of a revamp of my blog.
As you will see there's a new name -
Beth's Bias. I decided to change because I felt that 'The English Girl' was just a little old and a little too young for me and I wanted something more personal and grown up. So I've chosen something that has my own name in it and something a bit more catchy. I also chose the word 'bias' because it's another word for opinion and that is essentially what my blog is - a pace to voice my opinion about all sorts of things. With this new name I'm hoping to sort of start my blog again. Obviously all my old posts will remain but I'm hoping to just make things a bit better. I've actually had my blog for about 2 and a bit years but it hasn't really gone anywhere and I think it's because I slack a lot when blogging. But I'm hoping that this change in name will give me a little boost to blog regularly, even if it's a just a couple of times a week (it's definitely a blogging resolution!).
But as there's been a change in name, most of my social media platforms have also changed names! My twitter name is now '
@bethsbias' and my e-mail is '' - feel free to contact me through either of these ways. Also I've had to claim a different blog on
Bloglovin' and as a result I've lost all of my followers on there which is a shame! So please go over and
refollow me! You can use the button to the left side of my blog if you scroll down slightly or just go over to the website/app and type in
'beths bias' into the search bar and it's the top one!
So anyway, apart from all the changes to do with the blog, not much has been happening with my life. I finished my exams on Friday and spent the night just relaxing with friends and having a few drinks which was nice. I had the best lie in yesterday as it was the first time I hadn't set an alarm in a long day! I spent the day not doing much, just doing my washing, watching films and pampering myself which was very long overdue! And today, I decided to make a very impromptu surprise trip home to see my parents! Luckily I don't go to university far from where I live so it was very easy for me to get home. Safe to say my parents were very shocked and I've had the loveliest evening just being with them (and getting very frustrated with my new blog header - cue lots of googling and altering of the picture!).
I thought I'd also do a little round up of all the
Instagram snaps I've taken since christmas time/the new year started :)
![]( |
chocolate christmas yumminess /// krispy kreme goodies /// chocolate reindeer /// manchester christmas markets /// tapas lunch /// charity tree decorations /// naughty pencil case /// cath kidston christmas phone case /// christmas care package from my mum /// beautiful sunset /// new shoez /// tackiest christmas jumper going /// christmas necessities /// wagamama lunch /// my presents to my parents and cat /// new beautiful vagabonds /// my very own moomin toy (!!!) /// adorable new bunny phone case /// favourite ring /// freshly painted nails |
So that's what I've been getting up to lately which isn't all that much. I really need to start taking more photos and putting more on
Instagram I think. I'm hopefully going to keep up with these updates, maybe not weekly because I'm not sure I take enough for that, maybe monthly? One thing I am going to try and do for a weekly update though is something called a 'Sunday Reading'. Another of my resolutions is to read more books! I'm such a bookworm but never take the time to just sit down and curl up with a good story. So this year I'm going try and read a book a week and by doing a Sunday round up based on which book I've read that week should be good motivation. If you want to keep up with which books I've read, I'm reading or want to read, you should check me out on
Goodreads. It's a great website for all book worms so feel free to go over and follow me on there - my display name is
Beth Sutton.
That's all from me I think... I don't have much else to update on I don't think. Bit of a rambly post but I hope you got this far! Hopefully tomorrow will be more interesting!